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Diazepam B.P 5mg

Diazepam Tablets 5mg – Are manufactured by pharmaceutical company Ernest Chemists  ® Tablets 10mg are part of the benzodiazepine family of drugs that are used to treat a wide range of conditions.

Brand name: Ernest Chemists Limited

Diazepam (also known as valium, val’s, benzo’s, v’s) are widely used to treat a number of conditions that include;

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Insomnia
  • Panic attacks
  • Vertigo
  • Opiate withdrawal
  • Benzodiazepine withdrawal
  • Tetanus
  • Muscle weakness caused by stroke, spinal cord injury, or multiple sclerosis
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Skeletal muscle spasm
  • Prevention and treatment of delirium tremens
  • Alcoholic withdrawal

It is also used before and after certain surgical procedures and it is often used as a substitute drug to help patients withdraw from other stronger benzodiazepine drugs (it is considered safer as it is longer acting and less potent). However, as with other benzos, prolonged use of Diazepam, or using it in a way that was not intended, can lead to an increased tolerance, physical dependence, and addiction.


SKU:2001-5mg Diazepam

Diazepam Tablets 5mg – Are manufactured by pharmaceutical company Ernest Chemists ® Tablets 10mg are part of the benzodiazepine family of drugs that are used to treat a wide range of conditions.

Weight N/A

30, 60, 90, 150, 300

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